How Many Words Is a Picture Worth?

When I began sharing my artwork online and keeping a website to discuss my thoughts and development, my goal was to make announcements about my career, explain why I paint certain things in certain ways, and to hopefully spark discussion about my work or art in general.  At first, I was concerned that I would have difficulty updating regularly or finding the right words to describe the different ideas swimming about in my head (finding le mot juste is no easy matter sometimes). . . but after over two years of maintaining this site, the real difficulty (at least to me) seemed to be that my point-and-shoot camera was disappointing me on a regular basis.  Throughout my teenage years, I liked to shoot pictures with a 35mm Canon Rebel, but as digital cameras began to gain popularity, my ability to afford a new camera of similar quality began to wane.  As of last week, however, a new Canon Rebel T3 has come to pick up where my old Canon Rebel left off.  As far as my work as a painter is concerned, in the internet age, most viewers will see my art in reproduction before they ever see it in person.  Better photography means better prints, more vivid images to go along with posts on this site (or on my Facebook page), better documentation of my work in general, a better representation of the colors/textures in my paintings for out-of-state clients. . . but in addition to all of these things, a new camera also means a new opportunity to further explore another art form-- the art of the photograph!  It is my great hope that you will enjoy all the little improvements in presentation that my re-introduction to photography will bring to this site over time. . .


Cover Girl

If you live in Huntsville, AL, you have doubtlessly seen issues of the Valley Planet in offices, restaurants, and shops around town. Through June 27th, the girl on the cover will be peering back at you from a detail of my painting Waltz of Impressions.  A black-and-white image of the full painting and a bio are printed inside.  I am very excited to be able to share this bit of news and am exceedingly grateful to the Valley Planet for this opportunity.  Do pick up a copy-- I will be happy to autograph it for you!